The Bilo Bar Club held its 2018 Annual General Meeting on Thursday 8th November

Some highlights of the AGM included;
The election of Mr Barry Hancock, having been the only nominee, to the role of Imperial Bilo for a second term.
The election of our newest Trustee, Mr Graeme Harvey.
A motion was passed to honour our outgoing Trustee, Mr Ray Louis as a lifetime member of the Bilo Bar Club.
The quorum was passed to support a new Kidney Research Centre by partnering with Shangri-La’s Resort & Spa to fund the building of the premises required for the new centre.
Acknowledgement of support of various projects throughout the year at the Trustees discretion.
That be utilised as the main form of communication to our members, which also includes Facebook.
We welcome Andrew Neaves as the coordinator once again for our reunion program for 2019.
Full minutes of the AGM will be published in due course.
For any queries please contact our Coordinator, Iowanna, via email.