Minutes Of The Bilo Bar Club Annual General Meeting Held In The Makutu Centre On Thursday, 8 November 2007 At 10.00am
- David Hopcroft (General Manager/Grand Bilo)
- Ray Louis (Trustee)
- Allan Steel (Trustee)
- Graeme Harvey (newly appointed Imperial Bilo replacing Alan Lucas)
- Ken Curnow
- Betty Curnow
- Alan Jones
- Judy Steel
- Kevin Brett
- Bernie Beck
- Reg Esam
- Jack Bell
- Sue Brett
- Kim Shoesmith
- Neil Robinson
- Claire Robinson
- Lyall Bailey
- Noelene Bailey
- Keith McPhee
- Noel Rugg
- M. Harvey
- Judee Ross
- Laurel Louis
- Paul Dunand
- Erin Millimore-Muir
- Vicky Mulcahy
- Val Large
- Rylance Graham
- Gloria McEvoy
- S McEvoy
- Edna Whiting
- Christine Maddison
- Mike Mulcahy
- Greg Needham
- Heather Needham
- Margaret Latham
- Gordon Latham
- Lynne Williams
- Ron Williams
- Allan McCudden
- Tania Fenwick
- Peter Roberts
- Michael Muscat
- Terry Large
- Herbie Littlewood
- Lance Graham
- Barry Hancock
- Damian O’Donnell (Resident Manager)
- Kathy Anthony ( staff in attendance)
- Sai Makutu “ “
Apologies :
- Noelene Hogan
- Alan Lucas
- John & Elvie Keir
- John Pryme
- Frances Bromage
- M/M John Sharpley
The meeting was declared opened at 10.00am and members were welcomed to the AGM. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as correct.
Imperial Bilo
Ray Louis announced the retirement of Alan Lucas from the position of Imperial Bilo and read out the letter received from Mr Lucas (copy attached). Ray Louis moved a vote of thanks and appreciation on behalf of the members to Alan Lucas for his dedication and efforts during the past 26 years as Imperial Bilo.
The nomination of Graeme Harvey was the only one received to succeed Alan Lucas and members agreed that Mr Harvey be appointed as the new Imperial Bilo. Ray Louis welcomed Graeme Harvey, and mentioned with the support from David Hopcroft, Allan Steele and himself, Mr Harvey will make a fine Imperial Bilo.
David Hopcroft also recorded his appreciation to Alan Lucas for his contribution and support towards the club. He extended his full support to Graeme Harvey and wished him well in his new role as Imperial Bilo.
Trustee Appointment
A requirement at each AGM is the stepping down of one of the Trustees. Ray Louis stepped down and vacated his position as Trustee, and as there were no new nominations received, he was re-elected for a further term.
Financial Report
Allan Steel reported on the financial status of the club for the year 1st October, 2006 to 30th September 2007. The financial summary (copy attached) was distributed to members. The $20.00 annual subs. deducted during the year has been very successful.
Mr Steel announced the following monies raised during this reunion :
Coconut Collection $ 579.00 (31 Oct)
Calcutta Draw $1032.50
Coconut Collection $ 510.00 (7 Nov)
Melbourne Cup Sweeps $ 408.00
Melbourne Cup Raffle $ 132.00
Betty Bears $ 660.00
Donation from Rough Diamonds $ 40.00
Total $3361.50
Last year money collected from a coconut collection ($788.33) was not recorded for banking and after investigation it was found that it had been stolen by a staff member who has since been terminated. As a result, strict guidelines have been introduced to avoid similar occurrences in future.
Ray Louis thanked David Hopcroft for reimbursing the Bilo Bar Club for this amount $788.33.
General Manager’s Report
Dates for next year’s reunions : 11th to 24th May, 2008 and 26th October to 8th November, 2008.
The Resort was happy to receive an award this year for the Best Hotel in the South Pacific.
The Chi Spa is up and running and has taken off very well.
The Black Marlin Bar renovations are completed and the extension and new seating areas are very well utilized.
Lagoon Terrace Renovation – completed and awaiting the arrival of equipment from Melbourne. Seating capacity increased to 400 pax.
Water Tank – we have recently installed another water tank (700 cubic meters) and we have enough capacity to last for 4 ½ days when government water supply is unavailable.
Overseas trips/exposure for Staff – we continue to send a lot of our staff overseas on exchange programs with other Shangri-La properties and many have attended workshops, training programs and sales & promotion trips throughout the year.
We have injected a lot in staff sporting activities and we are very proud of our staff who participated in the annual bilibili races. We were overall winner again this year.
Our resort name will change from 1st January, 2008 to Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort and Spa.
Mr Hopcroft thanked Mike Mulcahy, Ray Louis and Allan Steel for their efforts during the Melbourne Cup.
Ray Louis reported on the Kindergartens which he visited and also made 2 surprise visits. All the kindergartens visited were well equipped and well attended except for Cuvu which was found in an appalling condition and does not meet the standards required for safe care and learning environment for the children within its care.
A motion was moved that the Cuvu kindergarten be closed for repairs and the employment of the two teachers be terminated with immediate effect. Should the building, amenities and environment be made suitable, the trustees will then consider the question of the further support of the Cuvu Kindergarten and teachers’ employment.
Photographs taken of the Cuvu kindergarten were circulated at the meeting. Mr Louis also mentioned on his first surprise visit to the Cuvu Kindergarten it was closed – no children and no teachers, and on the second visit there was one teacher sitting and only two students who were raking. He found Sigatoka Kindergarten the most impressive with only one teacher and attendance was very good. A second teacher will be looked into.
General Business
Bilo Bar Club T-shirts – Ray Louis is working on an induction t-shirt which will also be available for sale to members.
Subscription Fee – it was agreed that the $20.00 annual subscription fee per member be increased to $30.00 with effect from 1st January, 2008.
It was suggest that we advertise more and improve recognition of the Bilo Bar Club; this will help to double up on membership of the Club. Also, a letter should be given to members on check in outlining benefits etc.
Barry Hancock suggested reducing the illegibility period to quality for membership of the club from 4 visits to 2 visits. The Trustees will discuss and decide on this suggestion
It was agreed that the 30th September will be the end of the financial year for the club.
Mr Hopcroft thanked members and said they have been a great group and “thank you for treating my staff very well, I sincerely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart”.
With no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 11.05 am.