It’s great to see so many Bilo Bar members enjoying some well deserved rest and relaxation at their home away from home here on Yanuca Island. Please enjoy the below updates and photos from around the Bilo Bar Club of late.
Kindergarten Donations
We highly encourage, and greatly welcome, your kind donations of stationaries for the local Kindergartens. Kindergarten visits can be organised, please advise Iowana upon arrival so that arrangements with Ministry of Education for the visit can be approved.
Request for funding
The Bilo Bar Club has received the below request for funding and is being considered by the trustees;
“Dear madam/Sir,
I on behalf of the Fiji Red Cross Society-Sigatoka branch would like to humbly request for your assistance in funding for a project in a Nalebaleba village in our Nadroga Navosa District. The village is located in Navosa and finds difficulty in accessing clean drinking water. There are about 70 students both primary and secondary students attending Bemana District School; a 100m away and a secondary school; St Teresa College on the other side of the Sigatoka River.
With this project running, the children will be able to access clean drinking water and build a healthy environment for the children in the village in terms of safe and clean drinking water
Therefore, the water project is to assist the village with 4 x 5000L water tanks. The Red Cross branch will assist in the construction of the water tank base which cost about $500/base. That is a total of $2000 for 4 tank base. We would like to request that if you could assist us with the water tanks and the guttering pipes for rain water harvesting. Please help us to help people in this village community with one of the main necessity which is safe and clean drinking water.
Looking forward to your kind consideration and assistance.
Lemeki Ratudamu
Education Advisor
Nadroga/Navosa Education District Office”
October Reunion
Join us from 29 October 2022 to 12 November 2022 as we make even more memories of raising vital funds for the Bilo Bar Club! More information can be found here;
Membership fees
Membership fees (FJD50 per member) are now due, in case you haven’t already paid, and are payable until the 31st of October to keep your membership current; which includes your access to all the in-resort benefits when staying. Please see below bank account details for funds to be transferred. Please note we are working on a payment gateway via the website, which will allow you to pay via credit card to the trust account.
- Bank Name: Westpac Bank (Sigatoka Branch)
- Account Name: Bilo Bar Trust Fund
- Account Number: 0519 1836 00
- BSB Number: 039-005
- Swift Code: WPACFJFX
Please email our Bilo Bar Club co-ordinator at [email protected] with any questions or queries.