Message from the Grand Bilo – 1st Quarter 2018

Dear Bilo Bar Members,

Ni sa bula vinaka from my team and I would like to extend our very best wishes to you and your families for 2018.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and vinaka vakalevu to you for your loyalty to Fiji tourism and to our resort.

The last two years has been challenging for the team but we have started to see the much awaited transformation of our resort with the r-opening of our reception, Lagoon Wing rooms, Beach Bar & Grill, adult only Golden Cowrie Coastal Italian Restaurant and Golden Cowrie Lounge, the refurbishment of the Lagoon Pool area and as you are aware of by now the refurbishment of our all-day dining Lagoon Terrace and soft refurbishment in our ocean wings.

Plans are also underway for there configuration of the last two blocks in our Coral Wing into the adult wing including the infinity pool.

Tourism now contributes over 30% to Fiji’s GDP annually and the responsibility to keep this industry healthy is on us all. Without your continued patronage to our destination this would not be possible and for that we thank you again.

On a final note we would like to pay special tribute to each one of you who we consider part of the wider Shangri-La family here in Fiji. We thank you for staying with us throughout the current refurbishment works but more importantly over the decades of visits and through generations of your families.

We look forward to welcoming you all back in 2018 and working with you for a smashing Bilo Bar Reunion later in the year.

Vinaka vakalevu

Francis Lee
Grand Bilo, Bilo Bar Club
Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort & Spa

Find below the full pdf newsletter of The Bilo Bar Club for 1st Quarter 2018.

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