Bula All,
Time has flown and it has been more than three months since the last reunion and and things have been fairly busy since the Christmas break. Plans are already underway for the 50th anniversary of the resort followed by our 2017 October – November reunion.
The Bilo Bar Club Constitution has been updated and is available on our website (https://thebilobarclub.com/the-bilo-bar-club/constitution/) as well as our Facebook page (Bilo Bar Club Facebook).
From January 2017 our annual membership has increased to F$50 per year per member which is a small amount to pay for the membership privileges we all received.
All of our clubs commitments have been met. The only challenge has been the additional requirements to obtain the approval of the Trust Fund registration to allow us to
trade tax free. WOW thank you Ann Koroi and David Neaves for finally getting our Certificate of Incorporation.
Mr Craig Powell is now taking up a new role and has been replaced by a very capable Mr. Francis Lee as General Manager. He has become involved with the clubs operation with much enthusiasm and drive. Mr. Lee’s previous appointment was with a Shangri-La hotel in China. At this point the Club would like to congratulate Francis and all his staff on the running of our second home, with the added pressure for all the major refurbishments taking place at the present time.
The coffee shop space at the Sigatoka Sand Dunes has now been leased to one of Fiji’s leading coffee chains with work that started in early March.
Plans are underway and a waiting approval from the government authorities before commencement of works on the St John hall and library in Cuvu. The Bilo Bar club will
contribute F$30,000 towards this project and the balance will be funded by the hotel.
The Bilo Bar room rates are also included in this Month’s newsletter so members can arrange their stay within the period of the year stated. I have asked the trustee’s to file their individual reports to be incorporated for your information.
On a final note the club wishes to thank a long standing member, Mr. Alan Dove and his family, for the generous donation of sun caps for all Kindergarten children. Much
appreciated and thank you .
Vinaka vakalevu
Barry Hancock
Imperial Bilo, Bilo Bar
New Bilo Bar Club Members and Weekly Cocktail

Find below the full pdf newsletter of The Bilo Bar Club for March 2017.

Bilo Bar Newsletter March 2017 (pdf 3.1MB)