In memory of...

Obituary for Simi Cagilaba

Ni Sa Moce Simi

Our much loved friend and colleague Simione Cagilaba passed away on Friday 28th July after a long illness. Simi who was born on 7th May, 1955 was 51 at the time of his death and is survived by his wife Elenoa and six children.


Simi began his career at Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort on 13th August 1979 as a bar waiter.

He was later transferred as a dining room waiter in October 1979 and promoted to the position of Dining Room Captain in 1996.

Simi worked in the Takali and Golden Cowrie restaurants but is perhaps best remembered for his time in the Resort’s signature Kalevu Restaurant where his special Kalevu Coffees became the most popular way to round off a wonderful meal.

During his career at the Resort he often qualified for the monthly Customer Delight Team as a result of the numerous guest comments about the high quality of his service.

To our guests, Simi was “extremely friendly and thoroughly professional” …”a perfect gentleman”….” courteous and helpful” and his service was “first-class” … “excellent”… “great”.

To his colleagues, Simi was a hard-working, friendly and unfailingly courteous man who always had a smile for everyone even from his hospital bed.

He was a role model for the younger staff in the Food & Beverage Division and a valued and respected member of the Shangri-La team.

He will be greatly missed by all.


Simi Cagilaba’s funeral

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