We are in the process of cleaning the Bilo Bar Club database which is more than 30 years old!
To help us complete this we will need members to fill in the registration form and send back either by fax, email or in the mail.
As you all are aware our club runs by your subscription, please pay in your subscription as soon as you can.
Payments can be made via credit card or telegraphic transfer to the account below:
Account Name: Bilo Bar Trust Fund
Account Number: 0519183600
Bank Name: Westpac Bank (Sigatoka Branch)
Swift Code: WBACFJFX
Postal Address: P.O.Box 105, Sigatoka
BSB Number: 9005
Please ensure your surname is added to the information field of the transfer and also please send an e-mail notification to [email protected], advising of your deposit.
All Credit Card Payment is subject to a 3% administration fees.