Thank You – Bilo Bar Club Members

Bula & Warm Greetings to all our Bilo Bar Club Members.

I would like to take this time to thank all members that took time out to attend our 2014 Bilo Bar Club Reunion. I am delighted to say that it was a success as we all enjoy the activities and events that was put together. Thank you for all your participation we had the best number of turnout for all events.

A Big Vinaka Vakalevu to Mr & Mrs Qereqeratabua for making it down to Yanuca to grace the Nostalgia Night Dinner. It was lovely to see you again! May the Almighty continues to bless you and your wonderful family.

Congratulation to our Imperial Bilo, Mr Ray Louis for being re-elected for a 2nd term. Thank you for all your confidence in him and your support towards the local community for without this we wouldn’t be able to do what we are doing today.

And for the Management & Team at The Shangri-la’s Fijian Resort & Spa thank you for looking after the members during the 2 weeks reunion.

Vinaka Vakalevu & Moce Mada. See you again in 2015.

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