Our Trustees

Current Committee Of The Bilo Bar Club

  • Andrew Neaves, Imperial Bilo
  • Ariane Simon, Trustee
  • Chris Marshall, Trustee
  • David Lennox, Trustee
  • David Neaves, Trustee
  • Francis Lee, Grand Bilo
  • Graeme Harvey, Trustee

How can you become a Trustee of The Bilo Bar Club?

Nominations of candidates for election as Trustees, including Imperial Bilo position, of the Club must be;

  • Made in writing, in person,
  • Signed by Two current financial club members and,
  • Accompanied by the written consent of the candidate, which may be endorsed on the form of the nomination.

The nomination must be delivered, in person and in writing, to the Grand Bilo of the Club (Resort General Manager) on or before the 31st day of July, prior to the AGM at which the election is to take place.

All valid nominations received shall be published on the clubs web site and or newsletter at least 30 days prior to the AGM in the same manner as rule 9.0 notice.


Trustee Nomination

In accordance with Fijian Law, the following is required of all nominees to have completed prior to the AGM (see below).

All nominees must have this information completed and on hand at the AGM. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of your nomination. Each document listed below, and copies of, must also be certified by a Fijian Justice of the Peace.

If successfully elected, new trustees will need to personally lodge, at Titles Office in Suva, a ‘Changes to Office Holders’ form along with all completed documents listed below. Any payments must be made in cash for lodgment fees. If not lodged and validated within 28 days, the Bilo Bar Club Trust can be made fully taxable and/or forfeit funds.

Nomination forms for election can be obtained by emailing the Bilo Bar Coordinator ([email protected]).

Documentation Requirements

  • Four passport size photographs,
  • Four copies of current passport,
  • Police check from country of residence (3 copies),
  • Police check from Fijian Police,
  • Sigatoka Station in person (3 copies),
  • Health Department check, local GP Sigatoka (3 copies),
  • Immigration Check, forms & lodgment at Nadi Airport Offices in person (3 copies) and,
  • Confirmation of Fijian TIN (Tax Identification Number).
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