It is with the heaviest of hearts that we write this morning that Mr. Barry Hancock, the Bilo Bar Club’s Imperial Bilo has passed away in the early hours of this morning, surrounded by family and loved ones.
On behalf of every Bilo Bar Club member we send Allana, Terry, Gai, his family and friends our sincere condolences.
This message is by no way a final memorial or summary of Barry’s tremendous contribution to The Bilo Bar Club – having been a foundation member of our club and devoting decades of time to the development of The Bilo Bar Club and its purposes.
Barry held very strongly the values of the role of Imperial Bilo and the importance of the role which the Trustees and, most importantly, our members played in the success of the club.
Barry ensured that his role was served with the utmost dedication with the well-being of The Bilo Bar Club and its benefactors at the top-of-mind always.
Further details will be announced as they become available.